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Cybertexex: AML screening and compliance online

We are the guardians of a digital business worldwide.

From 2021 we provide powerful tools to automate AML screening and establish robust behavior detection systems. Cybertexex mixes cybercrime knowledge with technological acumen to maintain an up-to-date gateway that prevents unauthorized financial operations and runs certain anti-money laundering tests.

Cybertexex provides the following solutions:

• good “neighborhood watch” on your web service
• clarity and certainty of user identity
• low risk of scam or forced account access
— AML monitoring
AML monitoring is a screening procedure when a certain entity is verified against financial restrictions lists issued by regulatory authorities in various jurisdictions. Said entity could be a legal or natural person, bank account, transaction, even property of asset. Cybertexex collects available information and performs a data matching search with the help of its proprietary Big Data analysis technology.
Outcomes are:
• a trusted user portfolio
• prevention of criminal or unreliable financial activity
• avoidance of fines or restrictive measures
• transparency of business and mitigation of compliance risks
— Anonymized user data analysis
User data is a digital signature of your counterparties. When the signature changes — something has changed. To prevent unauthorized access to user assets, Cybertexex provides tools to control and verify user data.
Outcomes are:
Outcomes are:
• automated denial or hold of suspicious financial activity
• transparent analysis of large volumes of transactions
• dashboard with various rules and thresholds for various business types
— Anonymized user behavior analytics
User behavior may warn about potential threats before significant loss occurs. A vast number of microtransactions, constant changes of login metadata or seemingly chaotic transactions to unconnected persons all may relay a potential threat. With Cybertexex, one may delegate such behavior monitoring to sophisticated Big Data analysis metrics.
Outcomes are:
• threat prevention
• microtransaction scam blocking
• wallet hijacking detection
• additional level of financial safety
— Depersonalized risk-scoring
When a transaction occurs, a compliance officer should verify the beneficiary and the nature of business behind it. With a million transactions, compliance costs would surge high in pursuit of manual processing. Instead, Cybertexex allows seamless and cheap transaction monitoring solution that identifies level of risk connected with each separate transaction according to rules and expectations by its customers.

Cybertexex Industries:

Trading and exchanges
Traditional banking
Sharing economy
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