Cybertexex careers:
Cybertexex provides equal opportunities for skilled professionals and part-time cooperators, it depends only on the desired position and your personal preferences. Being cloud-based, we work internationally and look for remote cooperation-first individuals with experience in visual analysis, banking due diligence, regulatory compliance, information analysis and quality assurance of large sets of ML data. Don’t worry, we provide thorough education and instruction in case you miss some of those skills.
Check out open positions below to see if someone fits you.
A computer design professional from Malaysia. A student from Thailand. A Bulgarian quality control expert. An Italian compliance specialist. An Indian Machine Learning analyst. A call center agent from Peru. An individual entrepreneur from Philippines. And a retired housewife. We all discovered Cybertexex in various stages of our life and joined its friendly and passionate team. We respect fair earning opportunities for everyone, everywhere in the globe. We base our judgements on professional traits and not on outdated traditions. Finally, we believe in the digital future.
Share our team if you share our values!
At Cybertexex, we promise and commit to:
provide equal opportunity for everyone, everywhere
respect diversity and inclusion
treat everyone equally regardless of gender, age, nationality, sexual orientation, beliefs, religions and personal opinions
provide transparent conditions of engagement
uphold kindness, professionalism and business ethics